Arne Maes
Member since: 2020-09-22
我们专注于发现重要的问题并用创造性思维解决它们。我们喜欢通过旅行、互动和寻求不适来寻找灵感,而不是设计杂志和 Pinterest。解决每个人都看到的问题很容易,但是当深入挖掘时,我们可以找到直观的交互,这将为我们的设计过程奠定基础。我们努力塑造因其个性而受到喜爱并因其所创造的影响而受到欢迎的产品,不仅在功能上而且在情感上,我们坚信设计产品就是设计一种有意义的关系。

Onmi Off-grid
We are so used to having power and connectivity in our lives, bringing our devices everywhere. But when we venture off-grid, power and connectivity can be quite unreliable. Thats why we designed Omni Off-Grid; to help you prepare for any situation.
© 2024 Timothy Jacob Jensen 設計師信託 | 版權所有DK 41248572 | Hejlskovvej 106, 7840, Hoejslev, 丹麥