R. Giray Yiğit
Member since: 2021-09-14
我是吉雷·伊伊特。我是土耳其人,毕业于阿纳多卢大学工业设计系。毕业前,我与 Lab1 Lighting 合作过一个项目,在 Kale Art and Design 做过展览和视觉传达设计工作的自由助理,在 Fagus Wood 做过自由产品设计师,在 EMO 实习过设计, 意大利.现在,毕业后,我在丹麦 Designers Trust 担任全球项目经理。

Halo - Indoor Lighting System
Halo is an indoor lighting system for lighting restorations at historical places. Product designed to protect historic artifacts and provide moral and technical freedom to lighting designers.

Greenpot - Minimal Hydroponic System
Greenpot is a minimal hydroponic system for indoor agricultural activities. Product aims to rebrand soilless agriculture and integrate them into everyday life.

Flipchair - Cardboard Sitting Unit
Flipchair is a folding sitting unit made of paper material with low production costs and material usage. Product questions our habits about furniture.
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