Brandan Traini
Diseñador industrial/de producto
Member since: 2020-11-06
Un diseñador imaginativo, centrado en explorar a fondo toda la complejidad de un problema y abordarlo con una solución eficaz y detallada. Equilibrando la funcionalidad con la usabilidad y el atractivo estético. Deseoso de luchar por un mayor desarrollo de la sociedad a través del diseño lógico, innovador y creativo y el pensamiento científico.
Sustainable Biscuit Packaging System Project
To conceptualise a new system for packaging biscuits for client Pladis. A system for biscuits to be moved from the factory, to store and to home, the solution had to minimise waste and emissions, provide a good user experience, and protect the quality of the biscuits.
Contrast Ball Lamp Project
Evolving through various iterations since 2018, the Contrast Ball Lamp is a conceptual design exploring the idea of contrast. With two points of rotation the light can be aimed in any direction. Also featured, a capacitive touch sensor, provides both an on/off and dimmer control.
Educational Family Food Waste Game Project
The game offers families an exciting evening of fun, where parents learn
with their children through play. Highlighting how food waste can occur from
planning, cooking and eating. The game is a family oriented board game,
but in a style reminiscent of traditional wooden food toys. This project was done as part of my final year studies.
© 2024 Designers Trust por Timothy Jacob Jensen | DK 41248572 | Hejlskovvej 106, 7840, Hoejslev, Dinamarca