How it works: Designers

1. How to submit your concept to the Trust

Once you have signed-up and completed your profile, you will be able to submit concepts to the Trust.

Click “Create a new concept” to get started. The concept template will automatically save your text and uploaded images.

You will find our Submission guidelines and Do’s and Dont’s on the small (i) info-icon in the form. We use them when reviewing your concept – so please study them.

Once you are satisfied with your concept, you are to accept our “Submission Agreement”, and indicate your preferences regarding our different compensation models. After having accepted the agreement, we will review your concept.

A review can trigger three outcomes:

1. Your concept is approved without further rework. This triggers a "Signing required" status, as you would need to acknowledge the "Marketing Agreement". This agreement grants us a temporary 12 month right to market your concept on the Trust. Note: Of course, we will not sell your concept without your written consent.
2. Your concept needs rework. This triggers a "Rework needed" status. Your concept is now editable again, and you will find comments from our reviewer in the sections that needs rework. Once the comments has been addressed you can submit your concept for review again.
3. Your concept is rejected e.g. if you have plagiarised other designs or we deem it unfit for the Trust due to level of design quality.

Once the “Marketing Agreement” has been approved, we will publish your concept on the Trust. The concept will be promoted to Brands through private online viewings. Brands can only access the Trust through private viewing on request to ensure the integrity of all the concepts on the Trust.

2. What happens if a Brand wants to buy your concept from the Trust?

If a Brand is interested in your concept, we will lead the negotiation based on the compensation models which you have selected in the Submission Agreement.

We will present you with a commercial offer for your concept after our dialogue with the Brand.

As a designer, you have the option to sell your concept ”As-is”, or develop the concept into a ”Production ready design” in cooperation with the Brand.

Selling your concept as-is
You can opt to sell your concept as-is, which implies that you want to sell your design concept in exchange of a fixed one time on-the-spot fee. Note, that this option will not contain any kind of royalty payments if your concept is being introduced to the market.

Developing the concept into a production ready design
You can also choose to sell your concept and subsequent develop it into a production ready design in cooperation with the Brand. For this effort you will have the option to be compensated through royalties, a combination of royalties and design fees or design fees only.

The Phases from developing a submitted concept into a production ready design is as following:

  • Phase 1 - Concept development: Done.
  • Phase 2 - Design development:You will develop the concept into a final design based on the Brand’s feedback. Timeframe: approx. 8 weeks.
  • Phase 3 - Design implementation: You will assist the Brand, from a design point of view, in preparing the design to production. Timeframe: Ongoing small adjustments over 2-6 months.
  • Phase 4 - Launch: The Brand may request further assistance from you regarding the launch of the design (e.g. participation in media activities and/or designing marketing materials or packaging). Any
  • Phase 4 services are due to a separate agreement.

On average it requires around 150 hours to develop a production ready design with the majority of hours being spent in “Phase 2 – Design Development”. The process is detailed in the section “Finalising your concept into a production ready design”.

The 150hours is a rough estimation. It is therefore your responsibility to provide the Brand with an ongoing hourly estimation to develop the production ready design. Note, the Brand is to approve the said estimations

What if I extend the 150 work hours?
The 150hours is a rough estimation. It is therefore your responsibility to provide the Brand with an ongoing hourly estimation to develop the production ready design. Note, the Brand is to approve the said estimations

3. How to submit a concept to a Design Brief

Once you have signed-up, completed your profile and have been verified by Designers Trust, you will have the opportunity to be invited to Design Briefs. Your chances to receive an invitation is based on your past experience, portfolio, skill-set, and previous engagements on Designers Trust. E.g. a profile with an elaborate portfolio, complete profile text, submissions to the Trust, a solid LinkedIn profile with endorsements and awards will stand-out. Any invitation will prompt a notification and allow you to access the given brief. The compensation terms for each brief is stated in the design brief. Typical a brief last 6 weeks in total. To ensure that we have time to give you our feedback, it will not be possible to submit any new concepts after 4 weeks. In that matter, we have 2 weeks to ensure that you can incorporate any given feedback. You can either submit a new concept or existing published concept from the Trust, should the concept match the brief. 6 weeks after the launch of the brief, the Brand will be presented to the submitted concepts, and has the option to select a concept to develop into a production ready design. If the Brand selects your concept, it obligates you to further develop the concept into a production ready design. The compensation for this work is stated in the design brief. The process for this is elaborated under ”What happens if the Brand selects your concept from a Design Pitch?”.

Can I refuse participation in a brief?

Yes, you are free to pass the invitation to the given brief e.g. if you do not have the time or skillset required to redeem the expectations from the Brand.

Will I get paid when participating in a Design Brief?

Yes, if you are invited to a Design Brief and accept you will receive 2500 Euro or more, which is 50% of the total design brief launching fee, to develop three concepts within the given deadline.

4. What happens if the Brand selects your concept from a Design Brief?

Once the brief has ended, the Brand will be presented the three (3) submitted concepts. At this stage, the Brand has the option to select and acquire a concept and together with the Designer develop the concept into a final design.

When your concept is selected by the Brand, it obligates you to further develop the concept into a production ready design. Your concept will serve as the foundation for further development. For this effort you will be compensated through royalties, a combination of royalties and design fees or design fees only.

The Phases from developing a submitted concept into a production ready design is as following:

  • Phase 1 - Concept development: Done.
  • Phase 2 - Design development: You will develop the concept into a final design based on the Brand’s feedback. Timeframe: approx. 6 weeks.
  • Phase 3 - Design implementation: You will assist the Brand, from a design point of view, in preparing the design to production. Timeframe: Ongoing small adjustments over 2-6 months.
  • Phase 4 - Launch: The Brand may request further assistance from you regarding the launch of the design (e.g. participation in media activities and/or designing marketing materials or packaging). Any Phase 4 services are due to a separate agreement.

On average, it requires around 150 hours to develop a production ready design with the majority of hours being spent in “Phase 2 – Design development ”The process is elaborated under “Finalizing your concept into a production ready design”

What if I extend the 150 work hours?
The 150hours is a rough estimation. It is therefore your responsibility to provide the Brand with an ongoing hourly estimation to develop the production ready design. Note, the Brand is to approve the said estimations.

5. Finalising your concept into a production ready design - 5.1 Phase 2 – Design development

5.1 Phase 2 – Design development
When your concept is selected by a Brand, it obligates you to further develop the concept into a production ready design. Your concept will serve as the foundation for further development.

Designers Trust will facilitate an initial kick-off meeting for Phase 2. The purpose of the meeting is for all stakeholders to meet each other (you, Designers Trust and the Brand), and align expectations on ways of working, what is to be delivered and agree on the timeframe and next touch point(s).

During the kick-off meeting, you are encouraged to ask any clarifying questions you may have about the design and process. You must take minutes and share these with Designers Trust and the Brand to ensure the requirements and ideas of the Brand are understood and incorporated. You are expected to take ownership of this process and drive it – with support from Designers Trust.

Shortly after the kick-off meeting, the Brand will setup a feedback session. The Brand will share their thoughts and feedback on the concept. Subsequent, you are to provide the Brand with a memo of the meeting containing feedback alongside an hourly estimate and timeline for incorporating the feedback and schedule the next feedback session. The Brand has to approve the memo and the estimated hours to complete the work.

On average 1-2 feedback sessions should be expected before a Brand approves a final design and should be limited to 3.

The development of the final design should be completed within a 6 week timespan.

Once the design has been approved by the Brand, “Phase 2- Design development” is completed

What kind of feedback (and changes) can the Brand request during "Phase 2 - Design Development"?
The Brand can provide feedback on shape, dimensions, small features, colours, material options etc. and other variable that does not significantly change the core design behind the selected concept. Designers Trust has developed a feedback form and framework to ensure that expectation around feedback are aligned.

How many feedback sessions can I expect?
On average 1-2 feedback sessions should be expected, and is limited at 3.

5.2 Phase 3 – Design implementation

The objective of the next phase “Phase 3 – Design implementation” is to assist the Brand from a design point of view (in terms of the conceptual and visual aspects of the design), in implementing the design to the production of prototypes and preparation for production. Specific preparation may include e.g. redesign of portions of the design to adjust for manufacturing capabilities.

Designers Trust will facilitate the first working or Phase 3. The purpose of the session is to align expectations on ways of working, what is to delivered (output), agree on the timeframe and next touch point(s) for Phase 3.

During the meeting you are encouraged to ask any clarifying questions you may have about the design and process. You must take minutes and share these with Designers Trust and the Brand. The Brand has to approve the minutes before you commence the work.

You are expected to take ownership of this process and drive it – with support from Designers Trust.

After the meeting, the Brand will setup a feedback session. The Brand will provide you with feedback on manufacturing capabilities and required adjustments of the design (dimensions, shape, size etc.). Subsequent you are to provide the Brand with a memo of the meeting alongside an hourly estimate and timeline for incorporating the feedback and schedule the next feedback session. The Brand has to approve the memo and the estimated hours to complete the work.

On average 1-2 feedback sessions should be expected before a Brand approves the result, and a final design has been created. The feedback sessions should be limited to a maximum of 3.

The design implementation phase is a series of ongoing adjustments over 2-6 months, in which you usually should allocate 30-50 hours depending on the complexity of the design.

Once the design has been implemented and ready for production, Phase 3 is completed.


Is the design expected to be finished before entering Phase 3?
The design is to be completed in Phase 2. In Phase 3, the design will only undergo minor modification to adjust for manufacturing capabilities of the Brand.

5.3 Phase 4 – Launch and PR Support (optional)

Phase 4 concerns the public launch of the design. In relation to the launch and product release, the Brand has the right to use the following assets:

  • The Brand may add the “Fair Share Design mark” on the finalized product and communication material.
  • The Brand can reference you, as the Designer of the final product

In addition, the Brand may on request assistance in terms of:

  • Having you to participate in media and/or product launch events including 1:1 interview
  • Assisting the Brand by supporting the development of press and promotion materials e.g. provide a statement to be used in a press release, or video and photo shoot of you as the designer
  • Endorsements online and offline

If the Brand decides to include any additional Phase 4 assistance, Designers Trust will together with you present a separate proposal of these services based on the requirements by the Brand.

Following the launch of the design, the Brand will provide relevant promotion materials of the Project such as product description, data sheet, press release or other, if available, which you are entitled use for professional and commercial purposes.

Am I paid for participating in Phase four?
Yes – For any addition assistance or service the Brand may request from you in Phase 4 (e.g. interview, endorsements etc.), you will together with Designers Trust present a separate proposal of these services which are subject to an additional fee for the Brand.

How it works: Brands

1. What is a Design Brief?

As a brand on Designers Trust, you can fill out a design brief, which will be answered in a brief. Our team will review your brief and invite the most relevant designers to answer your brief in a brief round.

You are guaranteed a minimum of three qualified brief submissions at a starting cost of €5.000 and delivered at an output level that enables you to properly explore the potential of the designs.

You are free to decide whether you wish to proceed with any of the submissions. If you choose to go ahead, the process is straightforward since the relationship between you and the chosen designer is governed by a standardized legal framework, which allows all parties to focus on what they do best.

In addition, the team at Designers Trust makes certain that an outstanding output is waiting ahead.

2. How to launch a Design Brief

Once you have signed-up and created your account you will be able to create your design brief, which will be used to launch the Design Brief.

Go to the “Design Brief” tab and get started by clicking “Create new brief”. The brief will serve as a foundation for the Design Brief. The format of the brief ensures that all requirements you may have to the desired design is addressed.

If you are new to the platform, a representative from Designers Trust will reach out and schedule an initial exploratory call. During the call, we will learn more about your Brand and have a dialogue about the objective of the Design Brief. Notes from our initial talk will already be added to the brief, and you can subsequent continue to work on it.

When you have finalised the brief, Designers Trust will set up a review call. During the call we will go over your brief and provide input/sparring on the content. Once the brief has been approved, we will present the designers which may be assigned.

Before launching the brief on the platform, Designers Trust will assign one of the presented Designers to the Design Brief. The Designer will be informed and aligned with the expectations of the process and deadlines.

You are guaranteed a minimum of three qualified brief submissions after 6 weeks at a starting cost of €5.000 and delivered at an output level that enables you to properly explore the potential of the designs.

The concept presentation consists of 7 sections: an overview, inspirational section, presentation of the overall design, details and features, colour options, technical/dimensions drawings, and environmental shots.

You are free to decide whether you wish to proceed with any of the submissions. If you choose to go ahead, the process is straightforward since the relationship between you and the chosen designer is governed by a standardised legal framework, which allows all parties to focus on what they do best.

The process for this is elaborated under “How is a concept developed into a production ready design?”


When is the design brief approved by Designers Trust?
Once we had our review call and you are satisfied with the design brief, we will approve it and launch the Design Brief


How are the Designers assigned to the brief?
Based on the design brief, Designers Trust will handpick a Designer with industry experience within the given category.


How long do I have to decide whether I want to further mature a concept from the brief?
You will have 1 month to decide whether to select one of the concepts, or a merger thereof, and develop it into a production ready design. If no concepts have been selected, the Agreement will be deemed completed and the intellectual property rights of the concepts go back to the Designers and Designers Trust


What are the different payment models when maturing a concept into a production-ready design?
After the presentation of the 3 concepts, you will have the option to select one or more of the concepts and develop them into a production-ready design. The following payment terms are available for developing the concept into a production-ready design:

  • Minimum 5,000 Euro + Royalty
  • Or Full, One Time Design fee

3. How to gain access to the Trust/ Subscribe

Many of the designers in our Trust have submitted concepts waiting for the right partner to realize them. When you join Designers Trust, you will have the opportunity to view and reserve concepts relevant to your business and industry.

To ensure the integrity of our process, we present these in private online viewings for you and your team. If anything strikes your fancy, you can reserve a concept for a pre-determined period of time, and/or acquire the concept for further development.

All concepts submitted by designers have been curated to ensure that the quality presented enables you to properly evaluate potential.



Many of the designers in our Trust have design concepts waiting for the right partner to bring them into the world. Through Designers Trust, you have the opportunity to subscribe, view, reserve and buy concepts that may have relevance to your business and industry.

To ensure the integrity of our Trust, we use a series of legal forms as well as software to monitor and ensure the IP of our designers. 

All concepts submitted by designers have been through our reviewing process to ensure that the quality presented enables you to properly evaluate potential.

In order to gain access and browse, simply go to your Profile within Designers Trust platform/ Subscriptions, and then chose the subscription model that works best for your organization. or subscribe directly from the landing page.

There are three subscription models to chose from:

  • Basic (€ 100 / month)
    Gain access to 1 product category (and all related sub-categories) of your choice. 

  • Advanced (€ 200 / month)
    Gain access to 2 product categories (and all related sub-categories) of your choice. 

  • Premium (€ 300 / month)
    Gain access to all product categories (and all related sub-categories) of your choice. 

If you choose to go ahead, the process is straightforward since the relationship between you and the Designer behind the concept, is governed by a standardized legal framework, which allows all parties to focus on what they do best.


The process for is elaborated under "How is a concept developed into a production ready design?"



What are the different payment models for acquiring a design through the Trust?


The payment model consists of two elements. A one-off fee of €3,000 combined with one of the following payment terms for developing the concept into a production ready design:

  • 5% royalty

  • 3% royalty and an hourly design fee of 100€ for developing the concept into a production ready design* 

  • Hourly design fee of 200€ for developing the concept into a production ready design. No royalties*

*The Designer is to provide an hourly estimate to develop the concept into a production ready which must be pre-approved in writing by you. 150 hours should be expected to develop a production ready design.


How do I subscribe to Designers Trust?


If you already have an account on Designers Trust as a Brand, you can log in, navigate to Profile/ Subscriptions and chose the tier that suits your companies needs the best.


Do you offer refunds?


Unfortunately, we do not. We understand that this might not always be common practice, however, to protect the exclusivity and IP of our designers, we cannot offer refunds.


How do I cancel my subscription?


To cancel your subscription, just navigate to Designers Trust platform/ Profile/ Subscriptions and use the “Cancel subscription button” – this will cancel any new renewals after the predetermined period in which your subscription is active


How do I choose /change browsing categories?


Changing product categories is only possible if you cancel your subscription and re-subscribe- this will grant you the possibility to go through the subscription process and chose other category(ies) to browse in depending on the subscription tier selected.


What payment processor do you use?


We use Stripe Inc to handle financial transactions related to our subscription models. Stripe Inc therefore is responsible for the accuracy an on time payments and processing of these payments.


What payment options do you accept?


As stated above, Stripe Inc. handles all of our financial transactions related to subscriptions. Stripe Inc. We accept all card payments, Google and Apple Pay.


How long does a subscription last?


All our subscription tiers are available from the moment of subscribing are last for a calendar month


Why do you track user activity on the Trust/ Browsing


We use Mix Panel software to track user activity. We do this exclusively on the Trust. We do this to further ensure the safety and integrity of our designers and their IP.


4. How to proceed with a chosen concept

If anything strikes your fancy, you can reserve a concept for a pre-determined period of time, and/or acquire the concept for further development.

If you choose to go ahead, the process is straightforward since the relationship between you and the Designer behind the concept is governed by a standardized legal framework, which allows all parties to focus on what they do best.

The process for this is elaborated under “How is a concept developed into a production ready design?

What are the different payment models for acquiring a design through the Trust?

The payment model consists of two elements. A one-off fee starting from €5,000 combined with one of the following payment terms for developing the concept into a production-ready design:

  • 5% royalty
  • 3% royalty and an hourly design fee of 100€ for developing the concept into a production ready design*
  • Hourly design fee of 200€ for developing the concept into a production ready design. No royalties*

 *The Designer is to provide an hourly estimate to develop the concept into a production ready which must be pre-approved in writing by you. 150 hours should be expected to develop a production ready design.

5. How is a concept developed into a production ready design?

Once a concept has been acquired (“Phase 1 – Concept Acquisition”) it is developed into a production ready design through two additional phases: “Phase 2 – Design development” and “Phase 3 – Design implementation” and launched in “Phase 4 – Launch and PR support (optional)” :

  • Phase 1 – Concept Acquisition: A concept is acquired through the Design Brief or the Trust. 
  • Phase 2 – Design development: The concept is developed into a final design based on your feedback. Timeframe: approx. 8 weeks.
  • Phase 3 – Design implementation: The Designer will, from a design point of view, ensuring that the design can be produced. Timeframe: Ongoing small adjustments over 2-6months based on feedback from you.
  • Phase 4 – Launch and PR support (optional): The Brand may request further assistance from you in the launch (e.g. extended interviews and/or designing marketing materials or packaging). Any Phase 4 services are due to a separate agreement.

5.1 Phase 2 – Design development

The purpose of this phase is to further develop the selected concept, or a merger of the concepts, into a final design.

Designers Trust will facilitate an initial kick-off meeting with you, and the Designer behind the selected concept. The purpose of the meeting is to align expectations, ways of working and what is to be delivered (output).

Following the kick-off meeting, a feedback session will be scheduled at your convenience wherein you can to provide the Designer and Designers Trust with feedback on the concept.

After the feedback session, the Designer will present an hourly estimate and a timeline for developing the concepts further.

Once the feedback has been incorporated, the Designer will present the next iteration, and you are to either approve the design or provide further feedback.

On average 1-2 feedback sessions are before the final design can be approved. The feedback sessions should be limited to 3.

Depending on iterations needed, the development of the final design usually takes around 6 weeks.

The final Design will be presented in the same format as the concept, consisting of 7 sections: an overview, inspirational section, presentation of the overall design, details and features, colour options, technical/dimensions drawings, and environmental shots.

What feedback can be provided?

In Phase 2, the feedback can be related to related to shape, style, colours, materials etc.
Designers Trust has developed a clear feedback form and guidelines to keep expectations aligned.

5.2 Phase 3 - Design implementation

Once “Phase 2 – Design development” is completed, the final design has been created.

The objective of the next phase “Phase 3 – Design implementation“, is to assist you from a design point of view (in terms of the conceptual and visual aspects of the design), in implementing the design to the preparation for production. Specific preparation may include redesign of portions of the design to adjust for manufacturing capabilities.

Designers Trust will facilitate a kick-off meeting for Phase 3. The purpose of the meeting is to align expectations on ways of working, what is to be delivered (output), agree on the timeframe and next touch point(s) for Phase 3.

After the kick-off meeting, a feedback session will be scheduled at your convenience wherein you can to provide the Designer and Designers Trust with feedback on the design based on your requirements (dimensions, shape, size etc.).

The Designer will provide you with a memo of the meeting alongside an hourly estimate and timeline for incorporating the feedback and schedule the next feedback session. This will have to be approved by you in writing.

During the design implementation phase the Designer will on average spend 30-50 hours depending on the complexity of the design to support the process.

What is the final output of Phase 3?
The design will be adjusted based on the requirements and the impacted sections in the design presentation will be updated accordingly.

Is Designers Trust further involved in the process after a production ready design has been developed?
“Phase 4 – Launch and PR Support” is optional. If you decide to include any additional Phase 4 assistance, Designers Trust will together with the Designer present you a separate proposal of these services based on your requirements.

5.3 Phase 4 - Launch and PR Support (Optional)

The concept has now been developed into a production ready design.

You have the right to use the following assets:

  • You may add the “Fair Share Design mark” on the finalized design and communication material
  • You may reference the Designer behind the design and Designers Trust by Timothy Jacob Jensen

In addition, Designers Trust and the Designer can on request assist you in the launch of the design in terms of:

  • Participation in media and/or product launch events including 1:1 interviews
  • Assist in development of press and promotion materials e.g., press release, video and photo shoot
  • Endorsements online and offline
  • Design of marketing materials such as packaging, POS materials, product manuals, advertising etc.

If you decide to include any additional Phase 4 assistance, Designers Trust will together with you present a separate proposal of these services based on the requirements by the Brand.

What is the ”Fair-Share Design Mark”?
At Designers Trust, we share all revenue and royalties with our Designers.

This motivates everyone to do their best and inspires them to realize their full potential.

All creations developed according to the fair-share principle of Designers Trust may carry the carry ”Fair-Share Design Mark” for endorsement and authenticity.

Could not find what you where looking for? Reach out to us here help@designerstrust.com
© 2024 Designers Trust by Timothy Jacob Jensen| DK 41248572 | Hejlskovvej 106, 7840, Hoejslev, Denmark