What is Designers Trust

What is Designers Trust?

Well – simply put – it is your new best friend, when it comes to product- and industrial design.

- We connect you with designers from all over the world, to answer your brief.

- We ensure that the design-process follows a tried and tested flow, ensuring high quality and timely delivery.
- We govern legal matters and pricing through an established framework, ensuring value for money, security and fairness for all parties involved.

When handling your design-work through Designers Trust, you can submit you own design pitches and within 6 weeks, get 3 guaranteed conceptual bids on your pitch.

Find out more

    Designers Trust makes it easy to get started. Simply choose one of the following options

    How to obtain a new design

    Create A Design Brief

    Fill out a design brief, and Designers Trust will provide you with three concepts to answer your brief
    See an example of a design brief

    Browse Concepts

    Explore design concepts submitted by designers on the platform, and select one for your brand portfolio
    ​​​​​​​See an example of concepts available

    Phase I

    Three concepts presented

    Phase II

    Concept selection & development

    Phase III

    Design for manufacturing

    Phase IV

    Product launch

    Phase I

    Select a concept from the platform

    Phase II

    Concept selection & development

    Phase III

    Design for manufacturing

    Phase IV

    Product launch

    Our Designers

    Our Designers
    Contact Designers Trust

    Want to know more?

    In case you have questions, or suggestions please feel free to reach out to us. We will do our best to reply within the shortest possible time.

      Design by Tonis Vellama - Designerstrust
      © 2024 Designers Trust by Timothy Jacob Jensen| DK 41248572 | Hejlskovvej 106, 7840, Hoejslev, Denmark

      Welcome to Designers Trust