Paul Taylor

Product Designer/Strategist

Member since: 2021-07-28

As a design strategist & designer, I have assisted start-ups to global organisations find & implement purposeful design vision across a broad range of industries; consumer, architectural, medical & scientific, UX, service & FMCG for three decades. My key philosophy is one of being holistic & human-centred, challenging preconceptions by employing a confluence of; What Shapes, What Inspires & What Works to deliver meaningful, advanced & appropriate context solutions that are good for people, society & business alike. While I have worked at the forefront of product & service innovation I am most pleased by my long association with a design that respects people & the environment including an emphasis on design for the Circular Economy.

Modern Ritual Electric Kettle

Role: Lead Design & Strategic Direction Intent: Reinstating meaning, fusing past & present. A fluted body serves to evoke an heirloom quality while delivering cool touch for safety & comfort. Playful modernity via its asymmetric open technical handle combines to create a unique character, shifting it from kitchen appliance, to an elevated & enduring role within its environment & rituals of contemporary living.

Profilo Tapware

Profilo was created to answer the brief for a distinctive cost efficient premium tap suite. While projecting a unique brand signature its solid DNA also suits brass extrusion manufacture, a process of low capital cost & minimal finishing. The Tri design is a dynamic evolution of the traditional ‘cross with a large grip surface & easy clean advantages. ‘Bloc aims to juxtapose the stereotype with a rectilinear low profile format and features alternative mounting flexibility via running the handles in different orientations.

TriLock Contemporary Entrance Handle

Outerspace Design 2003: Role: Lead Design and Strategy A contemporary remake of the market leading entrance door locking system. This new design dna set out to create a unique & timeless aesthetic introducing mainstream buyers to the emerging architectural integrated handle trend while harmonising with new simplified door designs. The product quickly established and has maintained itself as market leader culminating in competitors introducing their own near clone versions.
© 2024 Designers Trust by Timothy Jacob Jensen| DK 41248572 | Hejlskovvej 106, 7840, Hoejslev, Denmark

Paul Taylor - Product Designer/Strategist - Designer at Designers Trust